Upcoming Events
Bear Dog is old-school: we do grand days out, but not social media or on-line bookings. To make a booking, or to be added to our mailing list, please telephone or email.
Next adventures
Wild Foods Day
A bushcraft day for serious-minded children. Identify both edible and poisonous plants. Learn the golden rules of foraging then test your skills by finding wild greens for lunch. Prepare wild food dishes to cook on a fire, including a delicious Bear Dog speciality. Never fear! we will have Bear Dog sausages on hand. After lunch enjoy the usual Bear Dog fun.
10th April 10am to 3pm Age 9+ £40 per child (including lunch)
Finding Dory Adventure
Dory is determined but a bit forgetful and she needs your help. Go on an under-the-sea adventure; brave the monsters of the deep; tackle a Great Barrier Reef obstacle course; travel with the help of seagulls; use the turtle luge; navigate with whales: Destiny is blind and Bailey can’t echo-locate… what could possibly go wrong?
3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th April 10am to 3pm Year 1-6 (older welcome) £35 including lunch
Zorro Adventure
Can you be a swashbuckling, Mexican hero, fighting for the poor against the might of the Spanish dons? There will be illegal gold mines to raid and treasure to find. You will need to unwind at the fiesta and perhaps distil some tequila. But watch out for El Guapo and his bandits.
14th, 15th and (possibly) 17th April 10am to 3pm Year 1-6 (older welcome) £35 including lunch
Previous Adventures
These adventures are not currently available, but here’s a tiny handful of previous adventures to give you an idea of what we do:
Horrible Histories adventure
At last! As demanded, Bear Dog fans will be able to go on a horribly historic adventure. Spend a day with Gorgeous Georgians, Slimy Stuarts, Rotten Romans, Vicious Vikings, Angry Aztecs and very Terrible Tudors. Educational fun in glorious, very silly, Bear Dog style.
Hobbit adventure
Join Bilbo and the Dwarves on their quest to ‘burgle’ Smaug’s treasure. Brave Gollum to find the One Ring; defeat irksome orcs; tackle a giant Mirkwood spider; light fires with Gandalf; feast on ‘honey cakes’ with Beorn and help the brave Men of the Lake shoot down the dragon.
Team Survival Challenge
Many of our ‘old hands’ have gone on literally dozens of Bear Dog adventures, but how much have they actually learned? This day will put them to the test. You and your team are marooned with a tarp, a cooking vessel, a fire-steel, a first aid kit, basic rations and a knife. Can your team rig a weather-tight shelter, make fire, construct a cooking tripod, cook a meal and improvise a ‘camp gadget’ to bring a little ‘luxury’ to your life?